
Articles Posted in Business Law


It’s Now Tougher To Change Deposition Testimony in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware

Mistakes made during deposition testimony by corporate officers recently became harder to correct in the Third Circuit (the 3rd Circuit covers federal courts in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware & the Virgin Islands). In the past, attorneys often had their clients complete errata sheets after a deposition to correct harmful testimony.…


Major Changes Coming for Philadelphia Business Taxes?

It’s been discussed for years (decades?) and the subject of numerous mayoral campaign debates, but it looks like major changes to Philadelphia business taxes may be in the works. The Philadelphia Inquirer is reporting that a majority of City Council has signed onto a plan to shift the business tax…


Businesses Required to Accomodate Nursing Mothers

Hidden well over a 1,000 pages into President Obama’s health care bill that was passed earlier this year is a provision that all working mother’s can appreciate. Employers are now required to provide “a place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from co-workers…


Cybersquatting and Protection of your Good Name

Did you know your disgruntled customers could set up a website using your business name? It’s called cybersquatting, and unfortunately it’s a growing problem for businesses these days. While the issue has been resolved in some areas of the country, for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware businesses cybersquatting is still…


Building and Renovation Contractors Need to Understand EPA’s Renovation Repair and Painting Rule

With the upcoming deadline fast approaching, we wanted to follow-up our April 15, 2010 post titled “New Lead Paint Rules for Contractors” with a timely reminder. As most people are aware, lead based paints were banned from residential construction in the late 1970’s because of the harmful affects to individuals…


Philadelphia Façade Ordinance Compels Action by Commercial Property Owners

Building Owners in Philadelphia need to be aware of the February 2010 Philadelphia façade ordinance. This ordinance was enacted in response to the recent high profile collapses of building façades that severely injured or even killed pedestrians walking on the sidewalks. In a nutshell, the new ordinance affects building higher…


Email Policies for Small Businesses in the Greater Philadelphia Region

The New Jersey Supreme Court recently held that an employee has a reasonable expectation of privacy for emails sent through a personal email account ( for example) over her employer’s network. This is significant because prior law had held just the opposite-namely that the employer did have access to anything…


Owner Liability for Corporate Acts, or Piercing the Corporate Veil

  What Happens When A Company Fails? Editors Note: This post was original published in February 2010 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Companies fail, as the news reminds us time and again. There are many things to worry about if your company is shutting down. At the…


Business Bloggers Liability for their Posts

I thought it made sense to start off this blog with a post about the risks of blogging itself. More and more businesses are using both blogs and social media (such as Facebook, Twitter and others) to expand their brand visibility and attract new customers. While there are numerous seminars…

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